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Kumite is the part of karate in which a person trains (or spars) against an adversary, using techniques learned from kihon and kata. Since the term "kumite" refers to sparring, it covers a vast range of activities.


In traditional Shotokan Karate, the first type of kumite beginners learn is Gohon ("5-Step") kumite. The defender steps back each time, blocking an attack, then performs a counterattack after the last block.


This activity looks nothing like jiyu kumite ("freestyle" sparring) practiced by more advanced karateka, which is much closer to how karate would look if used in a real conflict situation because it is not choreographed.

As well as the types mentioned above, there are many other types of kumite including: 


  • Sanbon ("3-step") kumite

  • Kihon Ippon ("basic 1-step") kumite

  • Jiyu Ippon ("semi-freestyle") kumite

Videos demonstrating some of these types of kumite are provided below. 

Gohan (5 - Step) Kumite

Sanbon (3 - Step) Kumite

Note: This video refers to a number of versions of Sanbon Kumite as practised in other associations. For our purposes, we are only using Set 1, which is contained within the first 70 seconds or so of the video. 


The following set of videos demonstrate blocks and counter attacks that can be used for Kihon Ippon (1-Step) Kumite. They demonstrate that each attack can be defended and countered in a number of ways. 

Kihon Ippon (1-Step) Kumite


This video shows some examples of blocks and counters used against a Jodan attack in basic 1-step kumite

Kihon Ippon (1-Step) Kumite


This video shows some examples of blocks and counters used against a Chudan attack in basic 1-step kumite

Kihon Ippon (1-Step) Kumite

Mae Geri

This video shows some examples of blocks and counters used against a Mae Geri attack in basic 1-step kumite

Kihon Ippon (1-Step) Kumite

Yoko Geri Kekomi

This video shows some examples of blocks and counters used against a Yoko Geri Kekomi attack in basic 1-step kumite

Kihon Ippon (1-Step) Kumite

Mawashi Geri

This video shows some examples of blocks and counters used against a Mawashi Geri attack in basic 1-step kumite

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